
Ethics for Authors
    1. Authors are required to submit original pieces that have not been published before or are currently under consideration for publication in any journals or other publications.
    2. Authors listed on submitted articles for publication must make authentic contributions to the creation of such works.
    3. Authors are required to compose research reports on many subjects, provide evidence to support their claims, and present information accurately without altering data, including data collection, research results, and portions of academic articles. Authors must base their writing on pertinent knowledge.
    4. Authors must ensure that their writings for publication do not violate intellectual property rights by avoiding plagiarism and misrepresenting others' work as their own. When utilizing someone else's work, such as integrating text into a research discussion, it is essential to give accurate and suitable citations.

Ethics in Human Research
    The journal's editorial board has accepted the study report, acknowledging the significance of human research. It has undergone an ethical evaluation by the human research ethics committee, which conducts the evaluation based on the principles of respect for person, beneficence, and justice.