Factors Affecting Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention Behaviors among Ethnic Household Heads in Pa Klang Sub-district, Pua District, Nan Province


  • Naparat Oungern Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University
  • Pramote Wongsawat Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University


Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Ethnic groups, Dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention behaviors, Ethnic household heads


This predictive correlational research aimed to determine factors affecting dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) prevention behaviors among ethnic household heads. The samples were 319 ethnic household heads in Pa Klang Sub-district, Pua District, Nan Province. The research instruments included the personal factors interview form, the perceived susceptibility of DHF, severity of DHF, and result of DHF prevention interview form with the reliability of .78, .82, and .82, respectively, the perceived self-efficacy in DHF prevention interview form with a reliability of .93, the sufficiency of resource on DHF prevention interview form, the receiving advice on DHF prevention from health personnel interview form with a reliability of .79, the receiving advice on DHF prevention from village health volunteers interview form with a reliability of .81, the receiving information about DHF interview form with a reliability of .71, and the DHF prevention behaviors interview form with a reliability of .90. Data were collected from January to March 2021. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.

The research results revealed that the mean score of DHF prevention behaviors among ethnic household heads was at a high level (M = 3.80, SD = .96). Age, perceived susceptibility of DHF, perceived severity of DHF, perceived self-efficacy in DHF prevention, receiving advice on DHF prevention from health personnel, receiving advice on DHF prevention from village health volunteers, and receiving information about DHF could statistically significantly jointly predict DHF prevention behaviors among ethnic household heads at 36.60% (R2 = .366, p < .001). The most predicting factor was perceived self-efficacy in DHF prevention (Beta = .278, p < .001).

This research suggests that health personnel should provide activities for promoting perceived self-efficacy and perceived severity of DHF, including giving advice and information about DHF prevention to ethnic household heads. This will help ethnic household heads enhance their DHF prevention behaviors.


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How to Cite

Oungern, N., & Wongsawat, P. (2023). Factors Affecting Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention Behaviors among Ethnic Household Heads in Pa Klang Sub-district, Pua District, Nan Province. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 34(2), 112–126. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnc/article/view/266529



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)