Preparation of Counseling Nurses to Support Down Syndrome Screening System in All Age Groups of Pregnant Women


  • Jareesri Kunsiripunyo Faculty of Nursing Science, Western University, Kanchanaburi Campus
  • Wannakorn Srirot Faculty of Nursing, Nation University


Counseling nurses, Down syndrome screening system, Pregnant women


All age groups of pregnant women are at risk of developing babies with Down syndrome. However, screening babies with Down syndrome was addressed in pregnant women who were over 35 years old. As a result, the number of babies with Down syndrome is more likely to increase. Therefore, the Ministry of Public Health has a new policy to reduce the number of babies with Down syndrome by screening Down syndrome in all age groups of pregnant women and diagnosing in high-risk screening results cases, in order to make the decision to terminate or continue the pregnancy. Therefore, the preparation of counseling nurses to support Down syndrome screening system in all age groups of pregnant women is extremely important. Counseling nurses should prepare their knowledge as follows: 1) Down syndrome screening and diagnosis test; 2) Down syndrome counseling process; and 3) necessary skills for Down Syndrome counseling. In addition, counseling nurses should practice Down syndrome counseling skills for pregnant women and their spouses. The preparation of providing effective Down syndrome counseling for pregnant women and their spouses may reduce the number of babies with Down syndrome during pregnancy.


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How to Cite

Kunsiripunyo, J., & Srirot, W. (2021). Preparation of Counseling Nurses to Support Down Syndrome Screening System in All Age Groups of Pregnant Women. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 32(1), 237–252. retrieved from



Academic Article (บทความวิชาการ)