Strengthening Job Satisfaction and Retention in the Organization of New Graduate Registered Nurses


  • Maleewan Lertsakornsiri Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Malinee Pandee Faculty of Nursing, Kasem Bundit University
  • Wilawan Phengpanich Faculty of Nursing, Bangkok Thonburi University


Job satisfaction, Retention in the organization, New graduate registered nurse


Nursing is a job that covers most jobs of health organizations. It directly related to people’s lives, and health is a combination of health promotion, prevention, cure, and recovery. Currently, Thailand lacks registered nurses in all parts of the healthcare services, including public and private hospitals. The lack of registered nurses results from the shorting time of their works, especially the new graduate registered nurses who are in the generation Y. The guidelines of strengthening job satisfaction and retention in the organization of new graduate registered nurses related to the strengthening professional status policy, developing and promoting academic progress, adjusting job description for flexibility, creating incentives for fair and suitable salaries, awards, bonuses, compliments, compensation, and welfare, promoting a good quality of life, increasing relationships between colleagues, and enhancing participating or sharing in nursing activities.


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How to Cite

Lertsakornsiri, M., Pandee, M., & Phengpanich, W. (2020). Strengthening Job Satisfaction and Retention in the Organization of New Graduate Registered Nurses. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 31(2), 201–212. Retrieved from



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