Predictive Factors of Depression among High School Students of Municipality, Chanthaburi


  • Banjong Janjadkarn Master, Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University
  • Jinjutha Chaisena Dallas Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University
  • Chanudda Nabkasorn Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University


Depression, Family connectedness, Negative life event, Internet addiction, Resilience, High school student


This predictive correlational research aimed to determine depression and factors influencing depression among high school students. The samples consisted of 160 high school students in municipality, Chanthaburi Province in an academic year of 2017. The research instruments included a demographic questionnaire, a family connectedness questionnaire with the reliability of .75, the negative life event scale with the reliability of .93, an internet addiction questionnaire with the reliability of .84, a resilience inventory questionnaire with the reliability of .88, and a depression questionnaire with the reliability of .82. Data were collected from July to August, 2017. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression.

The research results revealed that 95.70% of high school students had no depression, whereas the overall mean score of depression was 12.32 (SD = 4.87). Internet addiction and resilience could statistically significant predict depression by 32.50% (R2 = .325, p < .001). Resilience was the highest predictor of depression (Beta = -.492, p < .001) followed by internet addiction (Beta = .225, p < .01).

This research suggests that health care providers should apply these research results for preventing depression among high school students focusing on strengthening resilience and preventing internet addiction in order to promote good mental health.


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How to Cite

Janjadkarn, B., Chaisena Dallas, J., & Nabkasorn, C. (2019). Predictive Factors of Depression among High School Students of Municipality, Chanthaburi. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 30(2), 62–75. Retrieved from



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)