The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Registered Nurses in Health Department, The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


  • Sukanya Pimparue Master, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • Piyathida Tridech Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • Sukhontha Siri Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • Sakda Tridech Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


Organizational citizenship behavior, Job satisfaction


This cross-sectional survey research aimed to examine the relationships between individual characteristics, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior and to examine its predictive factors. The samples consisted of 215 professional nurses in public health service centers in the Health Department at Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The research instrument was a 3-part questionnaire:- individual characteristics, job satisfaction with the reliability of .94, and organizational citizenship behavior with the reliability of .83. Data were collected in December, 2015. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression.

The research results revealed that 1) the professional nurses had the overall mean scores of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior at a high level (M = 230.04, SD = 24.47 and M = 104.31, SD = 10.04, respectively); 2) age and work age were not statistically significant related to organizational citizenship behavior; 3) each aspect of job satisfaction was positively statistically significant related to organizational citizenship behavior (< .001); and 4) job satisfaction in the aspect of responsibility, opportunity for knowledge and capabilities development, mastery, job success, and work environment had statistically significant co-predictivity value for organizational citizenship behavior of 49.70% (adj. R2 = .479, p < .001).

This research suggests that the nursing executives should encourage professional nurses’ independent roles and emphasize career growth in order to enhance job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior among these professional nurses.


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How to Cite

Pimparue, S., Tridech, P., Siri, S., & Tridech, S. (2019). The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Registered Nurses in Health Department, The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 30(1), 77–87. Retrieved from



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)