Knowledge Management for Self Development and Work Creation: A Case Study of Support Staff at Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi


  • ชมพู เนินหาด Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi
  • สุชาดา นิ้มวัฒนากุล Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi
  • ปาลีรัญญ์ ฐาสิรสวัสดิ์ Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi


Knowledge management, Support staff, Self-development, Work creation


Knowledge management is a process that helps enhance knowledge development. It is also an important process to bring the organization to achieve a high performance. Therefore, it is considered a crucial tool for organization development, especially in educational organizations. The core principle of knowledge management is knowledge sharing in an atmosphere of mercy that leads to learning as well as continuously self development and work creation. At the present, there are many types of knowledge management that each of them will be used under the suitable condition and culture of an organization. Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi has operated knowledge management among support staffs based on the procedures of the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC) by establishing a community of practice “Service mind for excellent work” using learning process through Tuna Model. The outcomes comprised self development:- changing thinking method, modifying work performance, and opening mind to accept the better thing, and work creation:- setting the standard of service behaviors and using in work performance. Moreover, the most important success factor is a target staff participating in sharing in an atmosphere of mercy, ready to improve and change for self development and work creation.


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How to Cite

เนินหาด ช., นิ้มวัฒนากุล ส., & ฐาสิรสวัสดิ์ ป. (2018). Knowledge Management for Self Development and Work Creation: A Case Study of Support Staff at Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 29(2), 217–230. Retrieved from



Academic Article (บทความวิชาการ)