The Structural Relationship Model among Strategic Leadership and Hospital Financial Strategy on Hospital Financial Performance at Community Hospitals


  • Chumphon Nuchphong โรงพยาบาลคีรีมาศ จังหวัดสุโขทัย
  • Somarch Wongkhomthong มหาวิทยาลัยคริสเตียน
  • Janjira Wongkhomthong มหาวิทยาลัยคริสเตียน
  • Netchanok Sritoomma มหาวิทยาลัยคริสเตียน


Strategic leadership, Hospital financial strategy, Hospital financial performance, Financial management of community hospital


This causal relationship research aimed to analyze the relationships between leadership strategy (SL) and hospital financial strategy (HFS) that affect the hospital financial performance (HFP). The samples consisted of 160 chief financial officers who were responsible in monitoring and evaluating in the hospital’s finance. The research instruments were composed of a questionnaire of personal characteristics and a questionnaire of strategic leadership and hospital financial strategy that affect the hospital financial performance with the reliability of .94 and .93, respectively. Data were collected from June 1, to August 31, 2016. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the structural equation model (SEM) technique.

The research results revealed that strategic leadership directly influenced the hospital financial performance (β = .05) and directly influenced the hospital financial strategy (β = .88). Strategic leadership and hospital financial strategy indirectly influenced the hospital financial performance
(β = .14). Thus, the strategic leadership directly and indirectly influenced the hospital financial performance (β = .17) and the structural relationship equation of these research variables was HFP = .05 SL + .14 HFS + e : R2 = .04.

This research suggested that hospital staffs should take responsibility to financial management of community hospital as well as the hospitals should promote new revenue financial strategies in order to get the effectiveness of community hospital finance.


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How to Cite

Nuchphong, C., Wongkhomthong, S., Wongkhomthong, J., & Sritoomma, N. (2018). The Structural Relationship Model among Strategic Leadership and Hospital Financial Strategy on Hospital Financial Performance at Community Hospitals. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 28(2), 13–28. Retrieved from



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)