Addiction Process and Effects of Crystalline Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Users on Health and Family Problem


  • Sumnao Nilaban Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment


Addiction, Process, Crystalline, Methamphetamine


The aims of this mixed methods research were to explore the process of crystalline methamphetamine hydrochloride addiction and to examine the impacts of crystalline methamphetamine use on health and family. The study sample consisted of 118 crystalline methamphetamine users who received treatment at Thanyarak Institute. Research instruments were a set of questionnaires and a semi-structural interview guideline. Descriptive statistics and a content analysis were used for data analysis. Study findings revealed:

  1. Majority of the crystalline methamphetamine users was 25.39 ± 6.0 years old, female, single, junior high school graduate. Smoke or inhalation of vaporized methamphetamine was reported among the subjects. The average amount of crystalline methamphetamine was 0.97 grams per day for average 2.87 years. The common place for the use of crystalline methamphetamine was in private area such as one’s room.
  2. The process of crystalline methamphetamine addiction was reported in four stages:

                1) The initial stage : curiosity, release tension, believed benefit (slender and light skin), need for occupation and long read the book for test were reported as the main reasons for taking drugs. The experienced users reported cost and benefit of amphetamine (such as less health impact) as the main reason for switching to crystalline methamphetamine  

                              2) The continuation (Maintaining) stage : In this stage, majority of the subjects continue used of crystalline methamphetamine to fulfill their feeling of euphoria, sastisfy in respond desire (improve performance at work, show courage) and enjoy nightlife.

    3) The addiction stage : crystalline methamphetamine users continued the use because of benefits e.g., a) increased endurance, b) provided the feeling of enjoyment and a sense of wellbeing,
c) helped getting thin and light skin, d) increased sense of confidence in social status, and e) increased libido.

    4) The abstinence stage : In this stage, the subjects decided to refrain from drugs because of negative impacts on their health and families.

  1. Crystalline methamphetamine affected on the users’ physical, brain, memory, mood and behavior. The impacts of family included poor family relationships and less bond of trust.


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