Factors affecting the ability to perform therapeutic drugs of operation following a therapeutic drug steering committee in KhonKaen province


  • Chintana Srithamma Khon Kaen Provincial Health Office


factors affecting the ability, the following therapeutic drugs


This study was based on a cross-sectional descriptive study. Need to be removed. The objectivepurpose of this study was to study factors that affect the ability to perform the following therapeutic drugs of operation thefollowing a therapeutic drug steering committee in KhonKaen provincein 2014.The questionnaire was used to collect quantitive data with 674 participants or (patients). Focused-group discussion were also used with 12 subjects need to elaborate.Which was verified by three experts. Its validity was tested and gained coefficient cronbach’s alpha 0.97. The data collection was carried out from 1-15 April, 2013. The collected data were analyzed by a computer package program and disseminated by Should be in method section statistic value, percentage, means, standard deviation, Minimum, Maximum, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression analysis.

         The results showed that the level of factors that affect the ability to perform the following therapeutic drugs of operation following a therapeutic drug steering committee  in KhonKaen province in 2014 were at  ‘moderate level’. Factors affecting the ability to perform the following therapeutic drugs of operation the following a therapeutic drug steering committee in KhonKaen province in 2014 were recognized as  motivational factors, money support and, management supportat the percentage of 69.2.The result we found was the financial support (34.33%)and lack of personnel (23.46%)


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