The Comparision of Effectiveness Between Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less and bupropion Smoking Cessation


  • Viroj Verachai Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment


smoking cessation, bupropion, VernoniaCinerea (L) Less


This study aimed to compare effectiveness between Vernonia Cinerea (L) and bupropion for smoking cessation as well as to study adverse events of Vernonia Cinerea.

                   Methodology: The randomized double blind controlled trial with
two-parallel groups was conducted in Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment during 2008-2010. The 89 smokers from private companies, government sectors and state enterprises were voluntarily enrolled. Of these, 45 smokers were in Vernonia Cinerea group while the rest were in bupropion group. The participants in Vernonia Cinerea group were given 4 gm tea bag three times a day and bupropion identical placebo 1 tablet daily after meal on the first 3 days and followed by 4 gm tea bag three times a day and 1 placebo tablet 2 times a day to complete 7 weeks. The participants in bupropion group were given bupropion 150 mg daily after meal on the first 3 days and followed by 1 tablet 2 times a day to complete 7 weeks and Vernonia Cinerea tea bag identical placebo three times a day. The target quit date was the eighth day of treatment. Education and counseling about smoking cessation by doctors, pharmacists and nurses were delivered to participants in both groups at week 0, 2, 4 and 7. Tobacco abstinence was followed up every month and evaluated by participants themselves and urine nicotine.

          Results:  The participants were 35.84 + 7.85years of age and smoked 14.74 + 6.60 tobacco/day. Of all participants, 52.8% had smoked for 10-20 years with Fagerstom test for nicotine dependence of 4.67 + 2.41.Physical and laboratory examinations before and after treatment were within normal limit in both groups. The abstinence rate continued after treatment at week 7 were 15.6% in Vernonia Cinerea group and 25% in bupropion group (p=0.267). At week 16, there were 11.11% in Vernonia Cinerea group and 11.4% in bupropion group (p=0.778). At the end of treatment in week 24, there were 11.11% in Vernonia Cinerea group and 6.8% in bupropion group (p=0.308). The most common adverse events of Vernonia Cinereawere vertigo/headache (53.3%) followed by tingling tongue (28.9%) and dry throat (26.7%). Similarly, they were vertigo/ headache (50%) followed by insomnia (31.8%) and dry throat (26.7%) in bupropion group.

          Conclusion: Vernonia Cinerea tea showed the similar effectiveness with bupropion. During 7 weeks of treatment, there was no serious adverse event among patients in Vernonia Cinerea group.


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