The Pilot study of Effectiveness of Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less for 4 weeks in smoking cessation


  • Viroj Verachai Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment


Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less, smoking cessation


 Smoking is an essential cause of many diseases to both the smoker and the affected people such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Emphysema and cancer etc. When stop smoking, they would have Nicotine Withdrawal Symptom and they would have most symptoms on second and third days. The smoker cannot always tolerate such symptom. There are many ways to abstain from smoking including Stop suddenly, counseling, behavioral therapy and medications which are mostly imported from foreign countries. It was found that there are side effects and high expense. Currently, Herbal product of Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less in form of tea is used for therapy in case of smoke abstinence and it was found that 21% of smokers could successfully abstain from smoking. To treat the smoke addicted mostly takes about
7-12 weeks but the previous study of Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less indicated that it took only 2 weeks. If the medication is given longer, it may help the smokers more to abstain from smoking. Thanyarak Institute emphasized on medication access and thus, did this research. The objectives of study was to 1) effectiveness of  Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less for smoking cessation 2) adverse events of Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less Tea. Research design was quasai-experiment only one group pretest-posttest. The subjects were 55 smokers. They would drink 3 grams of Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less Tea after the breakfast, lunch and dinner for 4 weeks together with a brief counseling.  Analyzing data with number, percentage, average, standard deviation, Pair T-Test, the result was found that

  1. The Continuous Abstinence Rate,(CAR) of 18.2, 16.4 and 10.9% and Point prevalence Abstinence Rate,(PAR) of 18.2, 20 and 20% in the 2nd, 4th and 20th week respectively
  2. The number of cigarettes decreased for 71.97, 77.21 and 75.30% in the 2nd, 4th and 20th week respectively.
  3. Adverse events of Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less Tea that is mostly detected was numb tongue for 46.63% next to it was dizziness, parched mouth and throat for 41.07%.
  4. 4. AST and ALP before and after taking Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less Tea was not different but ALT before and after taking Vernonia Cinerea (L) Less Tea was significantly different in statistical term.


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