The Effect of Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Relapse Prevention of Methamphetamine dependence among In-patients


  • Sukuma Saengduenchai Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment


Cognitive behavioral therapy, relapse prevention, Methamphetamine dependence, In-patients


This research was designed as Quasi – experimental design (Two group
pretest – posttest and follow up). The purpose of this study was to examine the result of  cognitive behavioral therapy program for early relapse prevention. The participants consisted of 200 methamphetamine-dependent patients who were admitted in Thanyarak Institute. The patients were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. There were 110 patients in experimental group, and 90 in control group. The patients in experimental group received cognitive-behavioral therapy program (CBT). Which the patients received one time of CBT in the preparation before treatment phase, 7 times in the detoxification phase, 10 times in the rehabilitation phase and 4 times of booster session CBT in the follow up phase which was developed by the researcher. The data were collected for three times: in the detoxification phase, the rehabilitation phase and the follow up in second week, 1,2 and 3 month, respectively. The instruments in the study were questionnaires comprising of 2 parts; intention to early relapse prevention and self-efficacy to early relapse prevention. Additionally; There was also a methamphetamine urine examination. The data were analyzed by utilizing t-test and Fisher’s Exact test.

          The result were that after the program in the detoxification phase and the rehabilitation phase, the experimental group had more intention on relapse prevention than control group. However self-efficacy of the experimental group and control group was not statistically different. The follow up assessments in the 2nd week and 1st month showed that the number of patients in experimental group and control group were not statistically different on relapse prevention. However the 2nd month and the 3rd month revealed  that the number of relapse patients in experimental group was less than those of control group.


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