Antimicrobial resistance of Streptococcus suis isolated from pigs: A meta-analysis of prevalence studies
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Objective: Streptococcus suis (S. suis) is an important zoonotic pathogen capable of causing severe disease or even death in pigs and humans. Therefore, the antimicrobial resistance of S. suis is a major threat to public health. This study was conducted to determine the pooled prevalence and trend of antimicrobial resistance of S. suis isolated from pigs worldwide.
Materials and Methods: The relevant citations were retrieved from PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science. The retrieved citations were screened for their eligibility based on the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Relevant data were extracted from the included studies. Only seven most reported antibiotics from different classes were extracted. These included ceftiofur, clindamycin, enrofloxacin, erythromycin, penicillin, tetracycline, and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. A random effect meta-analysis was used to estimate the pooled prevalence of antimicrobial resistance of S. suis isolated from pigs. Meta-regression analysis was used to determine the trend of the pooled prevalence of antimicrobial resistance of S. suis isolated from pigs over time. The quality of the included studies was also evaluated.
Results: A total of 360 articles were identified from three databases, but only 26 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included for meta-analysis. The highest pooled prevalence of antimicrobial resistance of S. suis isolated from pigs was tetracycline (89.2% [95% CI, 83.5-93.2%]), followed by clindamycin (83.8% [95% CI, 73.7-90.5%]) and erythromycin (69.3% [95% CI, 57.8%-77.7%]). The lowest pooled prevalence of antimicrobial resistance of S. suis isolated from pigs was ceftiofur (4.3% [95% CI, 2.2–8.2%]) and penicillin (7.5% [95% CI, 4.0–13.6%]). The trend of antimicrobial resistance of S. suis isolated from pigs was not significantly changed over time for all seven antibiotics analyzed.
Conclusion: The trend of antimicrobial resistance of S. suis isolated from pigs is constantly high for tetracycline, clindamycin, and erythromycin; however, the trend is consistently low for ceftiofur and penicillin.
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