Prevalence of Blood Parasitic Infections in Raising Dogs at Thaksin University Area Phatthalung Campus
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Hematological values are important for assessing animal health, especially in asymptomatic animals. Hematological data for individuals can aid in differential diagnosis and reduce the spread of pathogens. This study delved into the prevalence of hematopoietic blood infestation in raising dogs in the Thaksin University area, Phatthalung Campus. It specifically focused on hematological values in 50 raised dogs, with samples taken for hematological analysis. The findings revealed that 34 % (17/50) of the dogs had anemia, 72 % (36/50) had thrombocytopenia, and 4 % (2/50) had leukopenia. These results indicate blood parasite infections. Further tests for blood parasites using thin blood smears showed the highest prevalence of Ehrlichia spp., together with Anaplasma spp. at 12 % (6/50), Babesia spp. at 8 % (4/50), and Anaplasma spp. at 2 % (1/50), respectively. Moreover, no parasites were found in 78 % (39/50) of the cases. Despite the absence of parasites, the examination of hematology values revealed that they were not within the normal range. There was a tendency to indicate blood parasite infection in 90 % (45/50) of the dogs, with only 10 % (5/50) at risk of not having blood parasite infection. The findings of the study revealed that dogs, despite showing no clinical sign, exhibited abnormal hematological test results. Therefore, disease surveillance in asymptomatic dogs is essential for animal health and prevention of zoonoses.
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