Bioaccumulation of Arsenic, Lead, and Cadmium in Nile Tilapia, Water, and Sediment from Waste Ponds in Landfill of Khon Kaen Municipality, Thailand
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Introduction: Improper management of residential waste can cause contamination of heavy metals in the environment.
Objective: This study investigated As, Pb and Cd contamination and bioaccumulation in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) living in waste ponds in Khon Kaen municipal landfill.
Materials and Methods: Ten sediment and 10 water samples and 30 Nile tilapias were randomly sampled from waste ponds located in the area of landfill. Fish organs including muscle, gills and liver were collected for heavy metal determination and bioaccumulation factor evaluation.
Results: The level of As, Pb and Cd in the water and sediment was 0.016±0.004, 0.032±0.004 and 0.009±0.003 mg/l, respectively for the water, and 49.767±6.309, 86.663±4.321 and 20.474±3.616 mg/kg, respectively for the sediment. All of the water and sediment samples contained As higher than the maximum limit issued by the National Environment Board of Thailand. The average level of As, Pb and Cd detected in fish muscle was 0.067±0.135, 0.078±0.173 and 0.040±0.102 mg/kg, respectively. When compared between muscle, gills and liver of the fish, significant difference was found (P<0.05 for every studied heavy metal). The bioaccumulation factor in fish muscle was 4.08, 2.44 and 4.43 for As, Pb, and Cd, respectively. The level of Pb higher than the permissible limit defined by the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards of Thailand was detected in 10% of the fish.
Conclusion: Ten percent of the Nile tilapias living in waste ponds of the landfill showed Pb accumulation in the muscle that was higher than the permissible limit for consumption. All of the water and sediment samples contained As in the amount that was higher than the maximum limit for habitat environment. This study identified hazard from consumption of fish from waste ponds and showed the contamination pathway that begins from the waste landfill to the environments and eventually to consumers.
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