Use of Hormonal Treatment for Induction of Oestrus on Conception Rate and Days Open in Postpartum Dairy Cows

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Peerapat Deesuk
Awirut Wichaiwong
Saksiri Sirisatien
Suneerat Aiumlamai


Low conception rate, failure of estrus detection and inappropriate timing of artificial insemination are important fertility problems in early postpartum dairy cows causing poor reproductive performance and extended days open. The aim of the breeding program is to optimize reproductive management in dairy cows after calving which targeting to determine the most suitable hormonal induction of estrus and ovulation protocols that regulate follicular development, luteal regression and applicable with fixed-time artificial insemination. The protocol of induction of estrus and ovulation mainly are prostaglandin F2-alpha (PGF2α) based protocol, progesterone based protocol, and combined hormonal protocol. This paper reviewed the hormonal treatment program in early postpartum dairy cows for induction of estrus and ovulation with emphasis on fertility improvement as increased conception rate, pregnancy rate, and decreased days open.

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Review articles


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