The Stability of Immediate Implant Placement in Posterior Region: a Six-Month Study

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Bonggot Somraj
Woraphong Panyayong
Boontharika Chuenjitkuntaworn
Parinya Amornsettachai
Suphachai Suphangul


The purpose of this study was to evaluate implant stability change during the healing period after immediate implant placement, in order to determine the appropriate time for implant loading in the posterior teeth.  The hydrophilic SLA surface tapered implants were immediately placed after posterior teeth extraction. The stability of the implants was obtained using resonance frequency analysis, and presented using implant stability quotient (ISQ) values. The stability measurements were performed immediately after placement (0 week), and at 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 24 weeks after implant placement, respectively. The implants achieved prosthesis after 6 months of placement.  A total of 23 patients with 23 implants were included in this study. After immediate placement, all the implants had high primary stability (ISQ=74.03+5.63). The ISQ values were observed to be lowest 4 weeks after placement (71.82+6.17) before gradually increasing over the 24-week measurement period (81.59+3.94). There was a significant correlation (p<0.001) found between mean ISQ and time. The present study demonstrates that implant stability change is correlated with time, with all the immediate implants placed in posterior teeth having high primary stability. The implant stability gradually decreased over 4 weeks, before gradually increasing until week 20, and subsequently decreasing thereafter. During the healing period, implant stability did not decrease below an ISQ 70, indicating high stability that is sufficient for immediate loading.

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Somraj B, Panyayong W, Chuenjitkuntaworn B, Amornsettachai P, Suphangul S. The Stability of Immediate Implant Placement in Posterior Region: a Six-Month Study . Khon Kaen Dent J [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];23(2):22-30. Available from:
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