Factors Predicting Nursing Student’s Competencies based on Thai Qualification Framework for Higher Education in Urban Health and Health Promotion Course, Kuakarun Faculty of Nursing, Navamindhadhiraj University

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Somjai Vinijkul


This research aimed to study the predicting factors of nursing student’s competencies based on Thai Qualification Framework for higher education in Urban Health and Health Promotion course. The sample was 190 the second year nursing students in academic year 2013. The data collection tools consisted of raw scores of Urban Health and Health Promotion tests, the learning behavior questionnaire, the learning environment questionnaire, and the competencies based on Thai Qualification Framework for higher education in Urban Health and Health Promotion course with the reliabilities of those tools including 0.76, 0.94 and 0.89 respectively. Data was analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and Stepwise multiple regressions.

             The results showed that the nursing students had a moderate level of mean scores of the test (= 73.41, SD = 4.10) and learning behaviors (= 2.63, SD = .35). They had the high level of learning environment and competencies based on Thai Qualification Framework for higher education in Urban Health and Health Promotion (= 3.77, SD = .39; = 3.97, SD = .38). The mean scores of the test was not significantly associated with competencies based on Thai Qualification Framework for higher education in Urban Health and Health Promotion. However, learning behaviors and learning environment was positive significantly associated with competencies based on Thai Qualification Framework for higher education in Urban Health and Health Promotion. The stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that learning behaviors and learning environment could explain competencies based on Thai Qualification Framework for higher education in Urban Health and Health Promotion at 31.9 %.

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How to Cite
Vinijkul S. Factors Predicting Nursing Student’s Competencies based on Thai Qualification Framework for Higher Education in Urban Health and Health Promotion Course, Kuakarun Faculty of Nursing, Navamindhadhiraj University. KJN [internet]. 2015 Feb. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];21(2):51-65. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/31241
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