The Effectiveness of Infant Heel Puncture Teaching using an Infant Heel Puncture Simulator
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This quasi-experimental two group post-test research aimed to study the effectiveness of infant heel puncture teaching using an infant heel puncture simulator. The sample group was 42 third-year nursing students who registered for the Child and Adolescent Nursing Practice course, academic year 2024, selected by random sampling. The research instruments included an evaluation form of the practice of infant heel puncture and a satisfaction assessment form of nursing students towards using an infant heel puncture simulator. The instrument content validity values were .90 and 1.00, and the reliability values were .95 and 1.00, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test statistics.
The study results showed that: 1) the infant heel puncture skills of the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group at the statistical level of .01 (t-test = 3.55, p-value = .001); and 2) the satisfaction score of the experimental group towards an infant heel puncture simulator was at a good level, 4.84 (SD = .26). Therefore, an infant heel puncture simulator should be used in teaching and learning to provide students with good practical skills.
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