Factors Predicting Burden of Caregivers Caring for Stroke Patients
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This research aimed to examine the predictive factors that influence caregiver burden of caregivers among stroke patients. The sample group, selected with the purposive sampling method based on the inclusion criteria, were 129 caregivers of stroke patients aged 18 years and above who accompanied the patients to tertiary hospitals. The research tools included an information record form of the caregiver and patient, the Barthel index for activities of daily living, the Zarit burden interview, the social support scale, the test of caregivers’ knowledge about stroke patient care, and the eHealth literacy scale for caregivers of stroke patients. The reliability values were .79, .86, .89, .70, and .97, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The research results revealed that the caregiver burden was moderate at 38.00% (Mean = 31.81, SD = 14.66). Knowledge about stroke patient care could predict the caregiver burden at 7.70% (R2 = .077) with a statistical significance of .01 (β = .278, p-value < .01). The findings of this study will be valuable in the development of guidelines for promoting knowledge and skills in stroke patient care in order to help reduce their burden of care.
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