A Study of Desirable Competency of New Graduate Nurses, Government Hospitals

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Primpiriya Jindawan
Yupin Aungsuroch


This descriptive research aimed to study the desirable competency of new graduate nurses in government hospitals using the Ethnographic Delphi Future Research (EDFR) technique. The study subjects were 20 experts. The EDFR consisted of three rounds: 1) interviewing all experts about the desirable competency of new graduate nurses in government hospitals, 2) developing a questionnaire from interview data by using content analysis, and 3) the data from the questionnaire were analyzed by the median and interquartile range and then a new version of the questionnaire was developed for confirmation by prior experts.

The results showed that the desirable competencies of new graduate nurses in government hospitals consisted of 10 components as follows: 1) digital technology literacy, 2) ethics, code of conduct, professional law and digital technology laws, 3) theoretical knowledge and nursing and midwifery practice, 4) diversified communication, 5) personal and agency development, 6) nursing research and innovation, 7) leadership and nursing team management, 8) adapting to diversity, 9) management and problem-solving, and 10) cost and resource management. The desirable competencies of new graduate nurses in government hospitals had high to the highest level of significance (Mdn = 4.10 - 4.72, IQR = .28 - 1.08).

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How to Cite
Jindawan P, Aungsuroch Y. A Study of Desirable Competency of New Graduate Nurses, Government Hospitals. KJN [internet]. 2024 Nov. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];31(2):238-52. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/271039
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