Factors Predicting Subjective Career Success among Nurses in Hospitals under the Medical Service Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Natthawat Wongchan
Kulwadee Abhicharttibutra
Orn-Anong Wichaikhum


This predictive research aimed to study the level of subjective career success and factors predicting subjective career success among nurses in hospitals under the Medical Service Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The study sample consisted of 265 nurses working in hospitals under the Medical Services Department of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The research instruments consisted of the Perceived Career Success Scale, the Big Five Inventory, and the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support, of which the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were .94, .89, and .83, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with stepwise regression analyses.

The results revealed that nurses perceived a high level of overall subjective career success. The perceived organizational support (β = .537, p-value < .001), open-to-experience personality (β = .165, p-value = .001), and extraversion personality (β = .125, p-value = .012) together predicted the subjective career success of the sample at 40.20%. The perceived organizational support was the best predictor. Nursing administrators can use the study findings to promote nurses' subjective career success by providing support from the organization and developing the open-minded and extrovert personalities of nurses.

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How to Cite
Wongchan N, Abhicharttibutra K, Wichaikhum O-A. Factors Predicting Subjective Career Success among Nurses in Hospitals under the Medical Service Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. KJN [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];31(1):44-58. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/269400
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