Factors Predicting Nurses’ Compliance with Early Warning Sign Guideline

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Putthachat Jaigad
Sumolchat Duangbubpha
Apinya Siripitayakunkit


This predictive correlational research aimed to examine predicting factors of nurses’ compliance with the early warning sign (EWS) guideline. The sample consisted of 290 professional nurses who were purposively selected. Data were collected using a questionnaire that consisted of 6 sections: 1) personal information, 2) characteristics of the EWS guideline, 3) knowledge of deteriorating patient assessment, 4) attitude towards the EWS guideline, 5) organizational support, and 6) nurses’ compliance with the EWS guideline. Content validity indexes of 6 sections were .80 - 1.00. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 2 - 6 sections were .90, .18, .80, .90, and .90, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman’s rank correlation, and multiple regression analysis.

The results showed that all five predictive factors could explain nurses’ compliance with the EWS guideline 12.70% with statistical significance (R2 = .127, p-value < .05). The factors that significantly predicted nurses’ compliance with the EWS guideline were characteristics of the EWS guideline (b = .172, p-value < .05), and organizational support (b = .126, p-value < .05). It is suggested that nurse administrators should train and support the use of the EWS guideline for nurses, as well as assess nurses’ attitudes towards implementing the EWS guideline in patient care.

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How to Cite
Jaigad P, Duangbubpha S, Siripitayakunkit A. Factors Predicting Nurses’ Compliance with Early Warning Sign Guideline. KJN [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];31(1):92-105. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/269265
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