The Effects of a Continuing Care Program on Post-Concussion Symptoms and Function Performance in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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Chulawaree Chaiwongnakkapun
Sirikan Jinawin
Hataikan Bangsri
Vasana Sookgun


This quasi - experimental two groups of repeated measures aimed to examine the effect of a continuing care program on post-concussion symptoms and function performance among mild traumatic brain injury patients. Research samples were 40 mild traumatic brain injury patients and 40 caregivers divided into two groups, experimental and control groups, each 20 pairs. The experimental group received the continuing care program based on Bandura’s self - efficacy concept. Research instruments comprised 1) the continuing care program, 2) the VDO clip of caring for patients with mild brain injuries, 3) the manual of mild traumatic brain injury care, 4) the Rivermead Post Concussion Symptom Questionnaire [RPO], and 5) functional performances of patients. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were tested and reported at .91 - .94. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and repeated - measures ANOVA.

The findings revealed that the average score of post - concussion symptoms after participating in the program was significantly less than before and in the control group (p-value < .05). In the experimental group, the comparison of the average score of function performance before and after participating in the program was no difference. However, the scores in the between groups were significantly different (p-value < .05). Healthcare providers can utilize this program for enhancing the continuous care program in the care of patients with minor brain injuries in order to decrease post-concussion syndrome and increase functional ability.

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How to Cite
Chaiwongnakkapun C, Jinawin S, Bangsri H, Sookgun V. The Effects of a Continuing Care Program on Post-Concussion Symptoms and Function Performance in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. KJN [internet]. 2024 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];31(2):370-86. available from:
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