Quality of life among Palliative Care Patients and Caregiver Burden of Cancer and Non-Cancer Patients in Laksi District, Bangkok
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This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to compare the quality of life (QOL) of palliative care patients with cancer and non-cancer, consisting of 53 patients and caregiver burden (CGB) with 53 caregivers in Laksi district, Bangkok. The sample was recruited by purposive sampling. Research instruments were a socio-demographic form, the WHOQOL-BREF-THAI, and the Zarit-Caregiver Burden Scale in Thai. The reliability was assessed by calculating Chronbach’s alpha coefficient, which resulted in .94 and .77, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney U-test.
The findings found that a total of fifty-three palliative care patients had an overall QOL at a moderate level (Median = 75.00, IQR = 26 and Median = 87.50, IQR = 44, p-value < .05). When analyzing each dimension, it showed that the physical dimension of the QOL with cancer and non-cancer patients had a statistically significant difference (p-value < .05). Additionally, the CGB of cancer and non-cancer patients was at a moderate to high level (Median = 45.00, IQR = 17 and Median = 54.00, IQR = 21) and had a statistically significant difference (p-value < .05). The findings of this study can be essential information for healthcare providers to promote quality of life and mitigate CGB for both cancer and non-cancer patients, comprehensively.
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