The Needs of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis

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Sukrutai Chimchat
Wenus Jeujun


The purposes of survey research were to assess and prioritize the needs of patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. The sample was 109 patients who received services at King Narai Hospital, and simple random sampling was used. The research instrument was a questionnaire on the needs of patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis with a 5-level rating scale. Content validity was 1.00 (IOC = 1.00), and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .84 (gif.latex?\alpha = .84). Data were analyzed using mean, percentage, and modified priority needs index.

The results showed that the overall needs of patients with chronic kidney disease receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis were at the highest level. The top three needs were 1) psychosocial and economic dimension (PNImodified = .08) 2) spiritual dimension (PNImodified = .05) and 3) physiology dimension (PNImodified = .04). The top three item needs were 1) home visits from a healthcare provider (PNImodified = .18) 2) adequate assistance with wound dressing equipment and medical masks (PNImodified = .15) and 3) performing the same patient’s roles for their family before receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (PNImodified = .14). These results recommended that healthcare providers should be encouraged to make more home visits, increase the allocation of adequate peritoneal dialysis equipment, and promote self-efficacy in performing the patient’s role before receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.

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How to Cite
Chimchat S, Jeujun W. The Needs of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis. KJN [internet]. 2024 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];31(1):148-59. available from:
Research Articles


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