Effectiveness of the Mindfulness-Based Diabetes Self-Management Program among Adults with Uncontrolled Diabetes
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This two-group, pretest-posttest and follow-up, quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effectiveness of the mindfulness-based diabetes self-management program among adults with uncontrolled diabetes. The sample was 52 adult people aged 35 - 60 years old. The participants were equally assigned into experimental and comparison groups, 26 each. The experimental group received the mindfulness-based diabetes self-management program. Data were collected by a questionnaire with the following components: demographic data questionnaire, mindful eating questionnaire, dietary consumption questionnaire, and exercise questionnaire. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient ranged from .8.-91. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and repeated measure one-way ANOVA.
The results revealed that the mean scores of mindful eating, dietary consumption, and exercise in the experimental group were statistically significantly higher than those before the intervention, follow-up, and in the comparison group (p-value < .05). Compared with the comparison group, the experimental group had a significantly lower mean score of fasting blood sugar than the comparison group and before intervention (p-value < .05). Therefore, this mindfulness-based diabetes self-management program can change behaviors to prevent disease complications and help patients with diabetes improve self-management and blood sugar.
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