Effects of a Self-Management Support Program on Self-Management Behavior to Slowing Progressive in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease at Stages 1 - 2

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Kamonwan Suwan
Samsudeen Chehhoh
Nuraisah Sehbbarkor


            This research was a one-group pretest-posttest design that aimed to examine the effects of a self-management support program on self-management behaviors among patients with chronic kidney disease at Stages 1 - 2 at Nibongbaru Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital. The sample of 27 participants was recruited by random sampling with proportional allocation. The research instrument for intervention was a self-management support program on self-management behaviors to slow progression in patients with chronic kidney disease at stages 1 - 2. The data-collection instruments were 1) manual, 2) interview forms of chronic kidney disease knowledge, and 3) interview forms of self-management behaviors. The item-objective congruences of the instruments were 1.00, 1.00, and .75, respectively. The reliability measured by Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (KR-20) was .83 and the Coefficient Alpha was .86. Data were analyzed by percentages, mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test statistics.

            The results revealed that the average scores of knowledge, self-management behavior, and glomerular filtration rate after receiving the program were statistically higher than before receiving the program, with a significant difference at .05 (t = 5.25, 4.51, and 2.56). Therefore, healthcare providers should apply this program to care for patients with stages 1-2 of chronic kidney disease to slow the deterioration, prevent complications, and improve quality of life

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How to Cite
Suwan K, Chehhoh S, Sehbbarkor N. Effects of a Self-Management Support Program on Self-Management Behavior to Slowing Progressive in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease at Stages 1 - 2. KJN [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 24 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];30(2):256-68. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/265878
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