Factors Relating to Length of Hospital Stays for Patients Undergoing Bowel Obstruction Surgery in Urban Area

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Naphatthorn Prueksaanantakal
Thamonwan Yodkolkij
Rangsima Thiengthiantham


            This retrospective descriptive study aimed to examine factors related to the length of hospital stays among patients undergoing bowel obstruction surgery in an urban area. Purposive random sampling was used to recruit 40 patients undergoing bowel obstruction surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, Vajira Hospital. The data was gathered from patients’ medical records from January 1 to December 31, 2020. Research instruments were divided into two parts: 1) demographic information and 2) patients’ treatment history. The instruments were qualified for content validity and content reliability, with the item consistency index in the range of .70 - .80. This study was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation, Phi’s coefficient, and Fisher's exact test.  

            The results revealed that the factors in the preoperative period and the intraoperative period of bowel obstruction were not significantly associated with the length of hospital stays. In the postoperative period, however, it was found that the duration for inserting the invasive line, which was the duration for intravenous fluid therapy (r = .595, p-value < .001), and the duration for the retained foley catheter were significantly associated with the length of hospital stays (r = .533, p-value < .001). 

            It is concluded that encouraging early postoperative ambulation can reduce the length of hospital stays among patients undergoing bowel obstruction surgery in an urban area.

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How to Cite
Prueksaanantakal N, Yodkolkij T, Thiengthiantham R. Factors Relating to Length of Hospital Stays for Patients Undergoing Bowel Obstruction Surgery in Urban Area. KJN [internet]. 2023 Jun. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];30(1):141-56. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/261156
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