Results of Developing English Language Communication Skills for Nursing Students through Cultural and Experience Exchange Program

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Chayatida Nonmeatawat
Roshinee Oupra
Chonticha Amattayakong
Eakachai Kantawong
Kittiporn Nawsuwan


     The aim of this mixed methods research was to study the results of cultural and experience exchange program in developing English Language communication skills, self-confidence and attitudes among nursing students at Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang Mai. The participants were 40 nursing students who were willing to attend the program. In the first stage, the data collection was performed through test and questionnaire regarding English language communication skills, self-confidence and attitudes. In the second stage, the nursing students were interviewed for their confidence and attitude regarding their English language communication skills. The instruments used for data collection were English language test, self-confidence and attitude towards English language speaking questionnaire which had the content validity of .99 and reliability of 1.00. A semi-structured interview questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was used to compare the data and content analysis was used for qualitative data analysis.

     The results revealed that the sample group’s self-confidence and attitude towards English language communication skills after attending the program were higher than before attending the program, with the statistical significance at p-value < .000 (Z = -3.773) and p-value < .000 (Z = -4.109). The results also showed that improving nursing students’ English language communication skills through cultural and experience exchange program significantly broadened their communication skills and gave positive influences in their self-confidence and attitudes towards English language communication skills. Hence, the activity to enhance English language communication skills for nursing students should be undertaken continuously.

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How to Cite
Nonmeatawat C, Oupra R, Amattayakong C, Kantawong E, Nawsuwan K. Results of Developing English Language Communication Skills for Nursing Students through Cultural and Experience Exchange Program. KJN [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];29(1):77-88. Available from:
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