The Teaching Experience with Flipped Classroom in Nursing Care during the Second Stage of Labour

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Sumitta Sawangtook
Surisa Panthongchai
Pridsadaporn Polprasarn


Flipped classroom is the teaching methods to respond 21st century learners by  learning at home and homework at school, the instructor changes the roles by acting as  a facilitator. As nursing care during the second stage of labour is complicated and  involves mother and unborn baby, the flipped classroom is applied to teach. Firstly, the instructor created social media technology that helped learners were able to study outside the classroom. Secondly, online discussion via Facebook was also created to communicate to all learners. Finally, classroom activities were based on what learners had learned and questioned Teaching experience on flipped classroom reflected that the instructor should be a facilitator or a coach to assist all learners can improve their critical thinking and learning skills, design activities and preparation of teaching media. Learners had the highest satisfaction scores for the instructor’s aspect (x̄ =4.81 SD=0.39), teaching methods (x̄ =4.47 SD=0.55), and teaching facilities (x̄ =4.30 SD=0.62). Overall, learners’ satisfaction of the flipped classroom showed the highest score  (x̄ =4.42 SD=0.53). The implication of using the flipped classroom recommended that  the timing of the classroom activities should be longer that included doing mind maps for 45 minutes, group sharing and discussion for one hour, and finalising concept with answering questions for 45 minutes. Information technology should be improved effectively to help all learners engage the database quicker.

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How to Cite
Sawangtook S, Panthongchai S, Polprasarn P. The Teaching Experience with Flipped Classroom in Nursing Care during the Second Stage of Labour. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];26(2):145-5. Available from:
Academic Article


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