A Confirmation Factor Analysis Subjective Norm of the Behavior in Consuming Food from Polystyrene Foam Container

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Itsariya Aksornchuen
Korada Mattayakorn
Jirawat Tansakul


          This quantitative research aimed to analyze the components of subjective norm of the behavior in consuming food from polystyrene foam container and examine the structural validity of the model and empirical data. The sample was 280 consumers who had experience in consuming foam-packed food in Hatyai district, Songkhla province. A probability sampling method. Self - administered questionnaires based on the theory of planned behavior were used for general information and the opinion about subjective norm of the behavior in consuming food from polystyrene foam container. The value of the Cronbach's Alpha was .88. The statistical methodology was divided into two categories: a descriptive statistic which refer to percentage, mean and standard deviation, and validated model by confirmatory factor analysis.

          The research result and confirmatory factor analysis that the subjective norm about consuming food form polystyrene foam container consisted of 3 domains: behavior in reference group family, friends and social community. The model in accordance was fit with the empirical data with χ2= .25, df = 1.00, p-value = .61, RMSEA = .00, RMR = .00, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 1.00. Factor loadings of the three domains were between .50 and .95 internal consistency reliability (R2) were between .25 and .91. The factor that has the highest weight value is the reference group family and the least is reference group social community. The recommendations from this study are that the related agencies should act as an important role model in their promote polystyrene-free communities and deny polystyrene-made products. The government should develop policies or effective activities campaign for changing healthy behavior being a role model creates a society without polystyrene. Similarly, promote knowledge and understanding for change attitude towards consuming foam packed food for sustainable change in the appropriate consumption behavior.

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How to Cite
Aksornchuen I, Mattayakorn K, Tansakul J. A Confirmation Factor Analysis Subjective Norm of the Behavior in Consuming Food from Polystyrene Foam Container. KJN [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];27(2):144-5. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/212123
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