Development of a Raising Nurse’s Awareness and Developing Nursing Care for Patient Safety Program

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Chatwalai Chaiaree
Araya Chiangkhong


This research and development study aimed to develop and to study the efficacy and the effect of a raising nurse’s awareness and developing nursing care for patient safety program. The participants were 80 registered nurses divided equally into experimental and control groups by purposive sampling. The instruments were need assessment form, in-depth interview guideline, patient safety program, questionnaires which was validated content validity and also had reliabilities between .82 - .91 Data were analyzed for one sample t-test, independent t-test, One-way repeated measures ANOVA.  

The results of phase 1 revealed that developed program consisted of 1) developing the awareness related of patient safety in urgent situation, 2) data referral skills between professionals and communication with patient and relatives, and 3) immediate problem solving skills. The results of phase 2 found that the efficacy of the model was E1/E2 = 88.18/89.74, and the experimental group had a statistically higher score for patient safety awareness than the control group at a 0.01 level of statistical significance. Furthermore, the experimental group had a statistically higher score in both post-test and follow-up that pre-test at a 0.01 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Chaiaree C, Chiangkhong A. Development of a Raising Nurse’s Awareness and Developing Nursing Care for Patient Safety Program. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];26(2):22-37. Available from:
Research Articles


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