Innovation for Hospitalized Children with Illness

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Thanyalakwadee Kontongtom
Nisaporn Salangsing


Nurses in the era of Thailand 4.0 must be equipped with knowledge, expertise and innovation skills that are in line with the health care reform of Thai public health 4.0. Nursing innovations help promote the development of children by allowing children to learn effectively, especially the use of innovations to promote the development of pediatric patients in hospitals. If pediatric nurses have an understanding in the development of preschool children together with creativity in children’s innovations, they will be able to create and apply innovations to promote the development of pediatric patients who are hospitalized. Considerations for an innovation suitable for a child’s age include suitability, reliability, interest, structure and balance, quality and price which is not expensive and worth the benefits. Additionally, creating innovations to stimulate normal child development according to the age should be considered in 4 areas: physical, intellectual, emotional, and social. In addition to creating new innovations to promote child development, nurses can continue to use the previous innovations with the new ones to stimulate the development of children. In doing that, it brings innovation development into practice to promote health and reduce anxiety from separation. By focusing on child development, preschoolers can adjust and have suitable development according to their age.

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How to Cite
Kontongtom T, Salangsing N. Innovation for Hospitalized Children with Illness. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 8 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];26(2):193-202. Available from:
Academic Article


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