Health Literacy for Occupational Diseases Prevention among Workers in Bangkok Metropolitan: Development and Validation of Health Literacy Scale Development and Validation of Health Literacy Scale

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Chanipa Yoryuenyong
Nalinee Cheryklinput
Araya Chiangkhong


Occupational diseases in working-age groups can affect physical, mental, and economic status, that could lead to absence from work and loss of income. Health literacy is considered to be a key factor for developing an appropriate action to promote healthy behaviors and prevention of work-related diseases. Based upon the current literatures reviewed, health literacy measurement among Thai workers has not been found. The methodological research designed aim to developed The Thai-version of the Health Literacy Questionnaires of Occupational Diseases Prevention among workers (HLQODP) in Bangkok Metropolitan was tested for reliability and validity. The HLQODP, based on Sorensen’s conceptual framework and empirically validated by five experts. Then, the tool was tested in 30 samples with Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The HLQODP was analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson ’s correlation coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis.  

The results showed there were 600 workers participated in the research. Most of the participants were females (62%). The mean of the total health literacy was 4.23. The final version of the HLQODP had 20 items, with the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.94. The Index of Item-Objective Congruence ranged from 0.60 to1.00. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model was fitted with acceptable fit using most criteria (χ2 = 388.99, df = 164, CFI = 0.99, GFI = 0.94, TLI = 0.99, RMSEA = 0.05) and also the 4-factors model was confirmed: 1) Assess 2) Understand 3) Appraise and 4) Apply. The Thai-version of the HLQODP had appropriated psychometric properties. It can be used to assess health literacy for occupational diseases prevention among workers.

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How to Cite
Yoryuenyong C, Cheryklinput N, Chiangkhong A. Health Literacy for Occupational Diseases Prevention among Workers in Bangkok Metropolitan: Development and Validation of Health Literacy Scale: Development and Validation of Health Literacy Scale. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];26(2):7-21. Available from:
Research Articles


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