Predictors of Medication Adherence in Ischemic Stroke Patients

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Chuanphit Julsri
Ratsiri Thato


          The objectives of this descriptive predictive research were to study medication adherence in stroke patients and identify its predictive factors, including age, beliefs about the necessity of medication, concern of medication, perceived severity, knowledge, depression, and doctor-patients relationship. A simple random sampling was used to recruit subjects from Rajavithi hospital and Prasat Neurological Institute, totally 130 subjects. Data were collected by using 8 questionnaires: 1) demographic data form, 2) health data sheet, 3) beliefs about medication questionnaire (BMQ), 4) stroke knowledge, 5) perceived severity of stroke, 6) doctor-patients relationship, 7) depression questionnaire (9Q), and 8) medication adherence. The questionnaires were tested for content validity by 5 experts, their CVIs were .80, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, and 1.00, respectively. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of questionnaire number 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were .78, .87, .78, .83 and .74, respectively. KR-20 of questionnaire number 4 was .74. Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression.

          The findings revealed that: 1) Overall, 35.38% of stroke patients was classified as adherent to medication., 2) Four variables were significant predictors of medication adherence in stroke patients at level .05. They were perceived severity (Beta = .676), knowledge (Beta = .168), depression (Beta = -.162), and beliefs about the necessity of medication (Beta = .140). They could explain 46.30% of medication adherence in stroke patient (p < .05). However, age, doctor-patients relationship, and concern of medication were not able to predict medication adherence in stroke patients. The recommendations from this study are that using the data to support medication adherence in stroke patients by focusing on perceived severity of ischemic stroke.

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How to Cite
Julsri C, Thato R. Predictors of Medication Adherence in Ischemic Stroke Patients. KJN [internet]. 2020 Dec. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(2):77-89. available from:
Research Articles


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