แนวทางการพัฒนารูปแบบบริการอนามัยการเจริญพันธุ์ และสุขภาพทางเพศในมหาวิทยาลัย
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This research was conducted by using the mixed methods, aims to develop reproductive and sexuality health service by surveying the sexual behavior,
the need of reproductive and sexuality health care services among university’s students. Precisely, this observation conducted through In-depth interview for qualitative data collection, while questionnaire was used for quantitative data collection. Samplings were the purposive selection of all schools and genders from university in Bangkok. In quantitative data collection, samplings were selected by Sample random sampling, total 380 students. The instruments were questionnaire about reproductive and sexuality health, reliability was 0.84. Data information analyzed through statistic program using descriptive statistics; frequency and percentage. As for qualitative data collection; In-depth interview, 24 purposive samplings divided into 12 females and males from every faculties in university had been used. The qualitative data analyzed through the need of reproductive and sexuality health divided into categories according to similarity and does the content analysis and frequency.
The study revealed that (1) samplings with moderate level of reproductive and sexuality health had a positive aspect on the same topics. (2) Sexual behavior in last 3 months, most of them had a sexual activity with their lover, using a condom for birth control, Coitus interruptus, and emergency birth control pills. (3) Students wanted to have a concerned health care clinic settle on university ground, together with other medication care. (1) Location needs to be private, not crowded and separate male and female area. (2) Facility shall provide with computer, internet, Wi-Fi, television, healthy drinks, and fictional or sexual health care and family planning bookshelf. (3) Service providers or consultants must be expertize on subjectivity, easy understanding, polite and easy going. (4) the clinic should provide examination of sexual transmitted disease or reproductive disease, blood test for HIV, pregnancy test, family planning and consultation on unintended pregnancy. (5) The service shall be free of charge, easy to contact, 24 hours
On-call or SMS consulting; e.g. Hotline, Facebook or Page, Line, e-mail, etc., and able to keep patients information confidentially. By this research suggested university to provide reproductive health care to students by study their preferences regarding reproductive and sexuality health care in order to analyze the issues and realize what they need also be able to plan suitable services to compliance reality and needs, which make them accessible to service with more confidence.
Article Details
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