Service-Learning and Cultural Awareness Development of Nursing Students: Reflection of Thai and Oversea Students

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Pragai Jirojanakul
Somjit Nipathattapong
Pilaiporn Sukcharoen
Laddawan Techangkul
Siriporn Nantasenee


Thailand has currently become multicultural society, hence nursing educational institutes should provide effective learning experiences to produce culturally competent graduate nurses. This article aimed to present the benefits of Service-Learning, as a learning experience to promote cultural awareness of nursing students; and to share the experience of the authors in order to provide interested readers with an alternative means to develop cultural competency of nursing students. Its contents consist of examples of research conducted in Thailand and abroad, the authors’ experience, and the reflection from Thai and foreign students participated in the previous Service-Learning activities. The recommendations on how to further implement this idea were also given.

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How to Cite
Jirojanakul P, Nipathattapong S, Sukcharoen P, Techangkul L, Nantasenee S. Service-Learning and Cultural Awareness Development of Nursing Students: Reflection of Thai and Oversea Students. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];26(2):136-44. Available from:
Academic Article


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