Effects of Self-care Promoting Program on Self-care Behaviors among Monks with Metabolic Syndrome in Bangkok Metropolis
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This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine self-care behavior among monks with Metabolic syndrome in Bangkok Metropolitan. A total of 60 monk subjects, who met Metabolic syndrome criteria and lived in Bangkok Metropolitan, were randomly assigned to be in an experimental (n = 30) and a comparison groups (n = 30). The experimental group received a 6-week self-care promoting program, by applying Orem’s self-care deficit theory, consisting 1) raising awareness about Metabolic Syndrome 2) setting goals and self-care plan 3) health education and skill training in diet control, increasing physical activity, and avoiding risk factors regarding Metabolic syndrome, 4) weekly telephone follow up 5) group discussion and evaluation of self-care. The comparison group received regular services from the primary health care center. Data were collected by the researcher using Self-care behavior interview questionnaire and Record form for physical examination and blood chemistry. The interview questionnaire’s content validity was .92 that was verified by 5 professional experts. Consequently, Cronbach’s Alpha was applied for determining a reliability of questionnaire testing as .76. The data were analyzed by using Chi -Squares test, and the Independent t-test.
The finding revealed that the experimental group had significantly higher mean scores of self-care behavior than before the intervention, and those in the comparison group (p-value < .05). In addition, the experimental group had better body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and clinical outcomes including: blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, and LDL cholesterol had significantly higher mean scores than the intervention group (p-value < .05) However, there were no significantly differences of mean score of HDL- cholesterol and TG between group. community nurse practitioner should use this program to promote self-care among the monks with Metabolic. The recommendations from this study are a community nurse practitioner should apply this program to promote self-care among monks with Metabolic syndrome or with other chronic diseases in other urban communities.
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