Predicting Factors of Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors among Menopausal Women

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Rutsamee Chotsangsakorn
Sureeporn Thanasilp
Noppamat Pudtong


This predictive correlation research aimed to study the variables that predict breast cancer screening behavior among menopausal women. The theoretical framework was based on the health belief model of Becker. The participants were 145 menopausal women aged between 45-59 years and attending the menopausal clinic at the tertiary care level of a hospital in Bangkok. Data were collected by using seven questionnaires comprising the following areas: personal factors, perceived susceptibility to breast cancer, perceived seriousness of breast cancer, perceived benefits of breast cancer screening, perceived barriers to breast cancer screening, confidence of detect abnormalities in the breast and breast cancer screening behavior. The content validity index of the research questionnaires were 0.80, 0.92, 0.85, 0.94 and 1 respectively. The confidence of detecting abnormality in the breast with an item objective congruence was 0.80. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were 0.73, 0.86, 0.87, 0.63 and 0.90, respectively. The breast cancer screening behavior with test-retest was 0.99. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and logistic regression.  

The major findings were as follows (1) The score for sufficient breast cancer screening behaviors was 53.79%. The meaning of breast cancer screening behaviors was: 1) mammography every 1-2 years (13.79%); 2) mammography every 1-2 years with breast self-examination every one month (2.76%); 3) mammography every 1-2 years with clinical breast examination every one year (19.31%); 4) breast self-examination every one month with clinical breast examination every one year and mammography every 1-2 years (17.93%) (2) The factor was significant predictor and predictor to decrease the likelihood of sufficient prediction was the perceived barriers to breast cancer screening OR(95%CI) = 0.93. The findings are useful to the development of the program of breast cancer screening behaviors among menopausal women. This program may be able to decrease the perceived barriers of breast cancer screening.

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How to Cite
Chotsangsakorn R, Thanasilp S, Pudtong N. Predicting Factors of Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors among Menopausal Women. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];26(2):107-20. Available from:
Research Articles


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