The Study of the Publics’ Perception on the Importance of Primary Care Cluster Services

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Sudkhanoung Ritruechai
Jarunee Chanphet
Komain Tewtong
Sariddet Xharoenchai


This descriptive research study aimed at studying the perception of people on the importance of Primary Care Cluster (PCC) services and comparing the differences of their perception on the importance of PCC services. The example was Thai people who could access the Instagram, LINE@ and Facebook PCC applications. Four hundred and twenty three people studied on provided information of Primary Care Cluster and answered online questionnaire. It comprised of demographic data and the perception of people on the importance of PCC services. The researchers developed the questionnaire following the theory. It was checked for content validity by three experts (CVI = 1) and the reliability which was .965. The demographic data were analyzed using frequency and percentage. The differences of the perception of people on the importance of PCC services were analyzed using ANOVA and T-test.

The results shown that most of the people known PCC (89.6%) and needed PCC (92.4%). Their perception on the importance of PCC services was at the highest level ( gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\bar{x}= 3.43 S.D. =.608). The perception on the importance of PCC services was statically significant difference between people who known and did not know PCC. (t421 = 9.33, p = .05). The administrators should continue to implement the services. They should also establish the work policy and adjust the roles of PCC following the perception of the people.

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How to Cite
Ritruechai S, Chanphet J, Tewtong K, Xharoenchai S. The Study of the Publics’ Perception on the Importance of Primary Care Cluster Services. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];26(1):121-33. Available from:
Research Articles


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