Selected Factors Related to Insomnia of Schizophrenic Patients

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วรวรรณ สวนศรี
เพ็ญนภา แดงด้อมยุทธ์


The purposes of this research were to study the severity of insomnia of schizophrenic patients and relationships of the insomnia and selected factors such as age, gender, depressive symptoms, cognitive ability, positive symptoms, negative symptoms, family relationship, type of anti-psychotic drugs and sleep
hygiene practice. The subjects comprised 165 schizophrenic patients with insomnia who were receiving services at the outpatient department of Lampang Hospital, Vachiraphuket Hospital, Chonburi Hospital, and Nakhonpathom Hospital. The research instruments consisted of personal data records, Insomnia Severity Index, questionnaire on sleep hygiene behavior, questionnaire on family relationship, the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia, the Thai Mini-Mental State Examination, the Thai Version of the Positive syndrome scale and the Thai Version of the Negative syndrome scale. All instruments were tested for content validity by professional experts. Reliability of instruments were reported by Cronbach’s coefficient alpha as .90, .71, .90, .96, .85, .76 and .79 respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, Eta, and One-way Analysis of Variance. The Major findings were as follows: The severity of insomnia of schizophrenic patients were at a moderate level ( =16.13, S.D= 5.56) About Age,
gender, depressive symptoms, cognitive ability, and type of anti-psychotic drugs were significantly related to insomnia of schizophrenic patients at the .05 level
(Eta= .538, .561, .594, .209, and .220 respectively) Positive symptoms, negative symptoms and sleep hygiene were positively correlated to insomnia of
schizophrenic patients at the .05 level (r= .378, .193, and .269 respectively) Family relationship was negatively correlated to insomnia of schizophrenic patients at the .05 level (r= -.349)

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How to Cite
สวนศรี ว, แดงด้อมยุทธ์ เ. Selected Factors Related to Insomnia of Schizophrenic Patients. KJN [internet]. 2018 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];25(2):152-67. available from:
Research Articles