Factors Influencing the Ethical Practice Behaviors of Undergraduate Nursing Students in Bangkok Metropolitan Area

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Muntanavadee Maytapattana
Ponpun Vorasiha
Premwadee Karuhadaj
Kanya Napapongsa
Kwanrutai Sempoon


This quantitative research aims (1) to study relationship between factors that effects on ethical practice behaviors of undergraduate nursing students and (2) to determine the predictors of ethical practice behaviors of undergraduate nursing students. The conceptual framework of this study is developed on the basis of the Tree Moral Theory. Respondents were 400 nursing students from faculty and college of nursing in Bangkok by means of simple random sampling. Data were obtained using questionnaires consist of ethical practice behavior, professional-socialization experience, parent’s ethical model, emotional quotient, and attitude toward nursing practice measures. These instruments were tested for their content validity by a panel of experts. Internal consistency reliability for each measurement tested by Cronbach’s alpha were .800, .902, .751, .851, and .867, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s production-moment correlation, and Stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The findings showed age, GPA, and domicile were not correlated to ethical
practice behaviors of undergraduate nursing students but gender was negatively correlated at the .05 significance level (r = .101). Meanwhile, attitude toward nursing practice, emotional quotient, parent’s ethical model, and professional-socialization experience were positively correlated to ethical practice behaviors of undergraduate nursing students at the .01 significance level (r = .546, .495, .477, and .437 respectively). The Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that attitude toward nursing practice, emotional quotient, parent’s ethical model, and professional-socialization experience could jointly predict 39.80% (R2 = 0.398) in ethical practice behaviors of undergraduate nursing students. Research result had found attitude toward nursing practice was the most influent predictor (Beta = .306). The recommendation for future studies is administrators and lecturers of faculty and college of nursing should promote, encourage, and organize projects for enhancing desirable experiences and psychological characteristics either in curriculum or extra curriculum. The optimum goal is ethical practice behaviors of undergraduate nursing students for quality of nursing.

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How to Cite
Maytapattana M, Vorasiha P, Karuhadaj P, Napapongsa K, Sempoon K. Factors Influencing the Ethical Practice Behaviors of Undergraduate Nursing Students in Bangkok Metropolitan Area. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];26(1):76-91. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/150716
Research Articles


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