The Effect of Empowerment Program Through Participatory Management for Aedes larvae Control of Household Leaders: a Case Khao Chakan Subdistrict, Khao Chakan District, Sa kaeo Province

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มัญช์ณณิชา แสงโพธิ์คัมภ
กุลวดี โรจน์ไพศาลกิจ
วรากร เกรียงไกรศักดา


The objective of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effect of empowerment program through participatory management for household leaders of Aedes larvae control: A case study of Lummakha village, Khao Chakan sub-district, Khao Chakan district, Sa Kaeo province. Aedes larvae control knowledge, Aedes larvae control behaviors and Aedes larvae index of the experimental group between before and after the experiment were compared. The knowledge, the behaviors and the index of the experiment group participated in the empowerment program
through participatory management and of the comparison group. The experiment group comprised of 53 household leaders of Lummakha village, Khao Chakan subdistrict, Khao Chakan district, Sa Kaeo province while 48 household leaders of Wangri village, Khao Chakan sub-district, Khao Chakan district, Sa Kaeo province were recruited for the comparison group. The experiment group were requiredto participate in the empowerment program through participatory management for Aedes larvae control for 8 weeks. The data collection instruments included
self-administered questionnaire regarding personal data, Aedes larvae control test, self-administered questionnaire about Aedes larvae control behaviors, and Aedes larvae survey form. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired t-test and independent t-test. Results of this study showed that:
1. After participating in the program, the experiment group had higher mean score of mosquito larval control knowledge than before the experiment and higher than the comparison group with a statistical significance level of 0.05.
2. After participating in the program, the experiment group had better meanscore of mosquito larval control behaviors than before the experiment and better than the comparison group with the statistical significance level of 0.05. and
3. After participating in the program, the experiment group had lower household index (HI) and container index (CI) than before the experiment and lower than the comparison group with the statistical significance level of 0.05.

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แสงโพธิ์คัมภ ม, โรจน์ไพศาลกิจ ก, เกรียงไกรศักดา ว. The Effect of Empowerment Program Through Participatory Management for Aedes larvae Control of Household Leaders: a Case Khao Chakan Subdistrict, Khao Chakan District, Sa kaeo Province. KJN [internet]. 2018 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];23(2):135-48. available from:
Research Articles