Development of Self-Care Agency to Prevent Complications of Type 1 Diabetes adolescent Patient: Case Study

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Wanida Neranon
Penrat Kowpairoj


The nursing care for two teenage patients with type 1 diabetes was studied. The objective of this study was to investigate the guidelines to develop self-care ability among teenage patients with type 1 diabetes treated at Department of Pediatrics in order to prevent complications based on Self-Care Deficit Theory (Orem & Taylor, 1986) so that nurses can achieve clear goals and methods of caring for patients and their family.

The results of this study indicated that both teenage patients have encountered the common nursing issues, namely: insufficient knowledge and understanding of insulin injection, eating, exercise and the possibility  to continuously lower their effort of self-care due to lack of morale and confidence  in nursing, including support, encouragement, education about diabetes, training of  self-care skills in insulin injection, calculation of daily intake of nutrients, proper exercise, observation of potential changing symptoms, using tools to track one’s own changes,  and ability of initial self-assistance. 

Therefore, nursing to improve the self-care ability of teenage patients should be promoted as early as they can. Teenage patients should get the opportunity to participate in self-care by working with their caregivers through providing support and encouragement until they can perform self-care completely with no complications.

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How to Cite
Neranon W, Kowpairoj P. Development of Self-Care Agency to Prevent Complications of Type 1 Diabetes adolescent Patient: Case Study. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 8 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];26(2):181-92. Available from:
Academic Article


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