Pregnancy Risk Perception, Time of Pregnancy Recognition, and First Antenatal Care Visit of Adolescent Pregnant Women

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Pridsadaporn Polprasarn
Jantararat Chareonsanti
Punpilai Sriarporn


The first antenatal care visit is important for reducing complications for adolescent pregnant women and fetuses. The purpose of this descriptive correlational research was to study the relationship of pregnancy risk perception, the time of pregnancy recognition and the first antenatal care visit of adolescent pregnant women. The sample included 123 pregnant women aged 10-19 years who received antenatal care for the first time at Chon Buri Hospital, Banglamung Hospital, and Laem Chabang Hospital at Chon Buri province. The research instruments consisted of Personal Information Record, Pregnancy Perception of Risk Questionnaire (PPRQ) developed by Heaman and Guptun.Time of Pregnancy Recognition Questionnaire modified from a question in the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System by Gilbert, Shulman, Fischer, and Rogers. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman rank correlation coefficient.

The results of the study were as follows: (1). Pregnancy risk perception was at a low level for which the mean score was 162.77 (S.D = 164.06). (2). The time of pregnancy recognition was 7.97 weeks (S.D = 5.75). (3). The mean gestational age for the first antenatal care visit was 16.55 weeks (S.D. = 7.78). (4). The time of pregnancy recognition has a moderate correlation with the first antenatal care visit of adolescent pregnant women which was statistical significantly (r = .345, p < .01). However, pregnancy risk perception was not correlated with the first antenatal care visit of adolescent pregnant women. The results of this research can be used as basic data for promoting the first antenatal care visit before 12 weeks of gestational age with concern of time of pregnancy recognition.

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How to Cite
Polprasarn P, Chareonsanti J, Sriarporn P. Pregnancy Risk Perception, Time of Pregnancy Recognition, and First Antenatal Care Visit of Adolescent Pregnant Women. KJN [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];26(1):107-20. Available from:
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