The Effect of Discharge Education for Caregivers on the Revisit of Children with Acute Febrile Illness at Nakhon Si Thammarat Municipality Hospital

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Sareeporn Chomboon
Naiyana noonin
Saifon Aekwarangkoon
Kiatkamjorn Kusol


This study was a quasi-experimental research conducted to determine the effects on discharge education given to caregivers on the revisit rate of children with acute febrile illnesses at Nakhon Si Thammarat Municipality Hospital. The sample group consisted of caregivers of children who were aged between 3 months to 5 years old with acute febrile illness within the first 24 hours of treatment in the emergency department. It used simple random sampling by designating even days as the intervention group and odd days as the control group with each group comprising of 38 people. The intervention group received (1) medical knowledge (2) skills for managing fever and (3) a follow up by the way of a telephone call on two occasions, whereas the control group received the usual care from the nursing staff. The data was collected from May to July 2017. The instruments used were an assessment form on caregivers’ knowledge for fever management, and an interview form on the revisit rate with acute febrile illness within 72 hours and then it was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test.

The study revealed that after the experiment, the knowledge gained from the fever management from the intervention group of caregivers was significantly (p <0.05) better than the control group. Upon being provided knowledge and then followed up by a telephone call, caregivers were more knowledgeable, managed fever and practiced their skills with greater confidence resulting in the experimental group (15.8%) were in a significant decrease in revisit rate within 72 hours less than the control group (39.5%) (p <0.05). The suggestion:
emergency department nurses should give importance to educating caregivers prior to discharge with follow-up telephone calls to encourage continued awareness in order to build greater confidence in managing fever and safely assessing symptoms of their children themselves at home.

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How to Cite
Chomboon S, noonin N, Aekwarangkoon S, Kusol K. The Effect of Discharge Education for Caregivers on the Revisit of Children with Acute Febrile Illness at Nakhon Si Thammarat Municipality Hospital. KJN [internet]. 2019 Jun. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];26(1):92-106. available from:
Research Articles



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