Outcome of Contraception Education Program on Pregnancy in Sex-Risk Female Adolescents

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เปรมวดี คฤหเดช



This one-group pre-post experiment research aimed to study outcomes of education program for pregnancy prevention by contraception and sex counseling via telephone and line chat on pregnancies in sex-risk female adolescents, lower secondary school, Samuth-Songkram Province. The samples were selected by purposive random sampling from sex-risk female adolescent students in lower secondary school with social dimension screening and confirmed by their classroom teachers. There were 246 samples in the study. The research tools included education program in reproductive health, pregnancy, pregnancy prevention by contraception methods, sex counseling by telephone and line chat. The research was conducted from January to August 2017. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D) and paired t- test.

The research results showed the sex-risk female adolescent students had contraception knowledge before participating the program at moderate level (x = 9.46, S.D = 2.01). After participating the program the knowledge were at good level (x = 11.14, S.D = 1.85) and better than their prior knowledge with statistical significance at p < .01. The outcomes of contraception education program with counseling via telephone and line chat on pregnancies in sex-risk female adolescents after participating the program for 10 months were none.

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How to Cite
คฤหเดช เ. Outcome of Contraception Education Program on Pregnancy in Sex-Risk Female Adolescents. KJN [internet]. 2018 Jan. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];24(2):145-61. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/109237
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