Efficiency of Computer Assisted Instruction on Physical Examination of the Neonatal by Using English Language for Nursing Students

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วิรีภรณ์ ชัยเศรษฐสัมพันธ์
อัญชลี จิตราภิรมย์


This research is a quasi-experimental research of the one group pretest - posttest design. The objectives were to 1) efficiency of computer assisted instruction
(CAI) on the physical examination of the neonatal by using English language for nursing students 2) compare the scores of pretest and posttest learning and
3) to study the opinions of nursing students using CAI on the physical examination of the neonatal by using English language. The sample consists of 33 cases.
The collected data is composed of results from CAI on the physical examination of the neonatal by using English language, students’ ability test to use CAI has a reliability of 0.82 and the survey of students’ opinions towards the CAI program has a reliability of 0.80. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean score, standard deviation, and paired t-test.The results of the research were as follows 1) the efficiency score of CAI program was 81.2/86.28 2) the students’ learning achievement after using Computer Assisted Instruction lesson on the physical examination of the neonatal by using English language at posttest period was significantly higher than that at pretest period (p<0.05) and 3) the opinions of nursing students towards the CAI program
was rated at a good level (x= 4.14, SD = 0.73). This study suggests that computer assisted instructions should be integrated into various teaching methods to
encourage students to use English for reading and writing skills to have a more effective learning. This is a student’s limitation but it is an important skill and used in the actual work.

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How to Cite
ชัยเศรษฐสัมพันธ์ ว, จิตราภิรมย์ อ. Efficiency of Computer Assisted Instruction on Physical Examination of the Neonatal by Using English Language for Nursing Students. KJN [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 11 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];24(2):130-44. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kcn/article/view/109146
Research Articles


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